Friday, August 2, 2013

The Unexpected Sleepover

 (Credit to my cousins Wesley and Jason Chung, formerly of Boris Smile, for the song above)

I unknowingly left my window open a few nights ago only to find I would be having an unexpected sleepover with 5 mosquitoes, one moth, and one gecko.  At the end of the night, only I remained, but I had been joined by some new guests- 30 winged ants/sausage flies had arrived in the night, rather inhospitably shedding their wings upon arrival.  When I awoke, my uninvited guests were crawling all over my clothes and all over the floor.

And then I woke up from the nightmare.

Just kidding, it wasn't a dream.

the wings of the sausage flies

1 comment:

  1. Cameron, I have just started reading your blog after my wife discovered it today. We lived in Dembi Dollo from September 2009 through June 2012. My wife taught English at BESS and I taught Theology and Bible at Gidada Bible School at the EECMY compound in Danka. The Sisters at the Catholic Mission were our gracious hostesses for meals and buna on several occasions. Abba Dawit of Addo also hosted us for meals and I had the pleasure of seeing him on occasion at the mission. Dr. Larry Thomas is my much thinner "twin" as people in DD mistook me for him because of my gray hair and beard. I look forward to reading the rest of your blog. Larry Moir
