Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Strangest Dream

Since I've arrived in Ethiopia I've had the strangest dreams, whether from the change in location or anti-malarials I'm on.  The most bizarre of these started off with Justin Bieber and ended with grisly carnage (although rest assured, JB was entirely uninvolved with the grisly carnage for those of you Beliebers out there).

The dream opened when I found out that I had won two tickets to a Justin Bieber concert after calling in at just the right time to win a radio contest.  I then proceeded to contact many of my high school friends to see who would be interested in joining me at the Bieb's concert.  When I caught up with one of my friends, she was talking about how the TAs for one of our classes had been lenient in grading our last paper- she had been given 30 points back out of sheer grace, which had given her a solid "A."  When I checked my grade, however, it turned out to be a B-/C+ which left me utterly depressed.

After sitting in on lecture for the class, which turned out to be on religion/philosophy, I made my way to the second story of a hotel, where it turned out an entire waterpark/resort was contained, and where a raging party was occurring.  I ran into some of my friends from church at the party, then made my way over to watch some of the competitions.  One of these competitions consisted of people riding bicycles with ropes tied to the rears.  The riders would ride until the ropes suddenly yanked them violently a few feet back.

Strangely, none of the riders seemed hurt until someone tried this same stunt with a motorbike.  When the rope pulled back on the motorbike, both bike and rider went flying backwards, hurtling into the nearby pool and resulting in a sea of blood.

Such are the dreams of a prescription druggie.

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